Baked Alaska, also known as glace au four or Norwegian omelette, is a delicious layering of yellow cake and ice cream, topped with meringue. Frozen until ready to serve, it can be placed in a hot oven to brown the meringue or browned with a hand torch.
While the origin of this tasty dessert is debated, the term “Baked Alaska” was coined in the late 19th century by French chef-de-cuisine Charles Ranhofer of Delmonico’s Restaurant in New York to honor the U.S. purchase of Alaska.
It is a fun way to end a special celebratory meal! Available by special request only. Chef needs at least one week’s advance notice to get it on the baking calendar!
View photos below of Chef Jerome decorating a Baked Alaska and of one of our wonderful servers, John, slicing a Baked Alaska tableside: